Is it the End? Options, Workouts, or Dissolution

$30 for MBA members | $45 non-members 

Part of the Advising Oregon Businesses Fall series.

Speaker: Ann Chapman, Vanden Bos & Chapman LLP

Dissolution, Reorganization or Liquidation? A Practitioner’s Guide for Businesses Facing Financial Difficulty.  Many businesses are struggling given COVID-19, and may face issues they never contemplated. Businesses must make critical decisions early in the process that can often mean the difference between a successful reorganization, liquidation or dissolution.  If a bankruptcy is indicated, either a liquidation or reorganization, what steps should be taken to prepare for the same?  If the business is beyond hope, what must be done to bring it to a close, and how do the personal guarantors deal with the aftermath of that closure? Please join Ann K. Chapman, Vanden Bos and Chapman LLP, an insolvency professional for over 35 years, and explore the issues to be reviewed in helping a business navigate reorganization or closure. This presentation includes a discussion of Subchapter 5, now available under the CARES Act to small businesses, making the chances of a successful reorganization more likely, due to reduced costs and more relaxed rules than the classic reorganization under Chapter 11.

See the printable form or go to the series registration page for details.

Date & Time
Thursday, November 12, 2020, 12:00pm-1:00pm
Remote attendance only via Zoom
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