A Solo & Small Firm Workshop: Where and How Should We Work: In-Person, Virtual or Hybrid Office?

FREE for MBA members | $50 non-members 

As COVID-19 restrictions ease, are you considering whether and when to return to an in-person law office, or remain a remote office? Are you experiencing challenges with virtual meetings or virtual mentoring? What’s working, and what’s not? In this CLE you will hear about the experiences of several of your colleagues who are considering these same issues. They will share their decision-making processes with you, various considerations in staying remote versus going back to the office, and some of the expected and unexpected situations they have encountered. You will also hear from a representative of the PLF who will offer a general overview of ethics considerations involved in remote offices, and an Attorney Counselor of the Oregon Attorney Assistance Program to talk about some of the challenges they have heard from attorneys who have struggled with remote/virtual working. Joining us for this discussion will be Hong Dao, Practice Management Attorney for the Professional Liability Fund; Bryan Welch, Oregon Attorney Assistance Program; Elizabeth Hohn, Thompson Law Group LLC; Emery Wang, Vames & Wang; and moderator, Heather E. Harriman of Rose Law Firm, PC.

The MBA will apply for two hours of CLE credit.

Date & Time
Thursday, April 22, 2021, 3:00pm-5:00pm
Remote attendance only
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Credit Types
Practical Skills

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